Can’t locate your answer here?
Call one of our friendly health service specialists. We are available 24/7 to answer any questions that you may have or email us at
- What can be treated by MDLIVE?
General Health
- Acne
- Allergies
- Constipation
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Ear Problems
- Fever
- Flu
- Headache
- Insect Bites
- Nausea
- Pink Eye
- Rash
- Respiratory Problems
- Sore Throats
- Urinary problems/UTI
- Vaginitis
- Vomiting
Pediatric Care
- Cold or Flu
- Constipation
- Ear Infection
- Nausea
- Pink Eye
- Vomiting
And many more!
Online Video
See a provider using your computer over the Internet |
Phone Call
No Webcam? No problem!
Talk to a provider over the phone! |
Secure E-mail Advice
Ask questions and get advice privately using secure E-mail |
- What is MDLIVE?
MDLIVE is a new health benefit which allows you to visit with local board-certified providers by online video or phone at anytime, from practically anywhere.
Our national network is available 24/7, including holidays to provide affordable quality care. MDLIVE physicians can diagnose, treat, and write prescriptions* for routine medical conditions.
Using MDLIVE avoids long waits and eliminates cost associated with unnecessary visits to the ER or Urgent Care. It provides access to a provider when your primary care physician is not available.
The provider will see you now, from the convenience of home or office!
- May I use it for my children?
Yes. Children can use MDLIVE. However, either a parent or guardian must be available to participate in all consultations involving minors.
- Who are our Providers?
Our network includes providers practicing primary care, pediatrics, family and emergency medicine who are licensed in the state where patients are located and have incorporated MDLIVE into their practice to provide convenient access to quality care.
- When to use MDLIVE?
- For non-emergency medical issues and questions
- During or after normal business hours, nights, weekends and holidays
- You live a significant distance from your primary care physician
- Your primary care physician is not available
- If you need a prescription or emergency refills*
- Traveling and need medical care
MDLIVE provides safe, secure and confidential medical advice and information. To safeguard the confidentiality of your medical information, please use a home computer or personal phone.
- What about prescriptions?
With over 60,000 pharmacies available, your prescriptions are sent to your pharmacy of choice as soon as your consultation is over*.
IMPORTANT: MDLIVE physicians will not issue prescriptions for substances controlled by the DEA, for non-therapeutic use, and/or those which may be harmful (potential for abuse or addiction).
- Is it safe and private?
Confidentiality is a respected part of MDLIVE's Code of Ethics. We take your privacy very seriously. Laws are also in place to protect your privacy. The HIPAA Privacy Rule is designed to be a minimum level of protection. Some states have even stricter laws in place to protect your personal health information. MDLIVE can share your information with your PCP in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.
* MDLIVE physicians may not treat any children with urinary symptoms.
* Parents/guardian will be required to complete a different medical history disclosure form for children under the age of 36-months prior to making an appointment with an MDLIVE physician. Children under 36 months who present with fever must be referred to their pediatrician (medical home), child-friendly urgent care center or emergency department for clinical evaluation and care.
** MDLIVE Services are limited to only video consultations with the ability to prescribe in Idaho. In Arkansas, an initial visit must be completed via video. After an initial visit, subsequent consultations may be completed via phone.
Disclaimers: MDLIVE does not replace the primary care physician. MDLIVE operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states.
*MDLIVE does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. MDLIVE does not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain
other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. MDLIVE physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services.
For complete terms of use visit